Youth Camp 2021


With the pandemic preventing us from serving our partner churches abroad for the second year in the row, little did we know that God was stirring up a renewed passion for mission and discipleship in us. The result – our very first UK based youth summer camp! During late August, youth from our sister churches gathered together for a week of climbing, rafting, team building as well as important sessions learning about who God is, why we worship and why its important to be plugged in within a church community.

We caught up with Emily who shares her thoughts below on how the camp went:

What was your expectation of the camp before attending?

I wanted to see the youth understand the importance of community and actively want to be a part of it. This could be by forming Godly friendships, encouraging each other and having the desire to attend church regularly.

Another expectation I had was for the youth to leave the camp wanting to know more about God and start to feel secure in their identity in Christ if they weren't already. I wanted the camp to spark that desire in them. This could be shown by attending church regularly, being engaged, asking questions about the faith and starting personal devotions.

I was also expecting God to work through me by providing words of encouragement for the youth and trusting that He was moving when I led worship.

How did you see God move during the camp?

An expectation was for the youth to understand the importance of community and I saw a glimpse of that in the last teaching session where the older girls shared how they could feel the genuine concern, warmth and love pouring out from the leaders. It was also amazing to see friendships being formed quickly and hearing them pray for each other was so encouraging.

Another expectation was for the youth to want to know God more deeply. I was greatly encouraged when one of the youth said they would start going to church more regularly and another showed interest in reading the Bible more. One even expressed an interest in helping to teach the younger youth and another commented on how a specific activity had reminded her of her self-worth in the eyes of Jesus.

It was evident that God was using all of the leaders, especially during ministry time, to speak into the youths' lives. God shared with the leaders the exact words that the kids needed to hear and what they could say that could touch their hearts. This led to emotional ministry sessions, especially during the evening sessions. As I was leading worship from the front, it was clear that many of the youth had an encounter with God during the ministry times. I am thankful that even when I was doubtful of my ability to lead worship, God was still using me to reach the youth. I could definitely see His power being made perfect in my weakness.

God exceeded my expectations during this camp. He was moving so powerfully throughout and although I could have relied on His strength more, I am so thankful He used my in the way that He did. It was so encouraging to see the youth grow so much in just the few short days we were together. The next step is finding ways to encourage them to keep going in their walk with God by reminding them of what they had experienced during the camp, both in terms of fostering community and a desire to know Him more. Letting God guide us through these next stages and praying for His continued work in the youth and the leaders is of utmost importance. All in all, a very fruitful, albeit tiring, camp!