July Youth Camp 2022


I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect coming into camp. I have always felt a little unsure whether or not I’d be the correct type of person to lead and teach people about God as I didn’t think that I knew enough myself to be able to or that I wasn’t good enough, similar to the saying “the blind leading the blind”. 

The theme of the camp was the power of God. My group led the session on the power of forgiveness, which is a very close topic to me. I tend to drown myself in regret over things I’ve said and done but being able to read around and then teach the youth about what forgiveness is and how God forgave people in the Bible really helped me learn to forgive myself and clear my head from all these thoughts. I think forgiveness was a really important theme that was discussed in the camp as especially in our social media society, it is very easy to drown in regret of who you are, or what you look like.

Looking back at camp, there are many things I want to praise God for. Community was one of the biggest ones. It was the first time many of them met each other and it was amazing to see how fast everyone managed to connect and get to know each other. Everyone was respectful in the teaching sessions and very supportive in the activities. There were times when I saw individuals who were scared but then a group of people came and supported them to help get through the activities. God had also moved certain individuals to help lead and help the rest of the youth. On the second night during the ministry, one of the older participants went and prayed for some of the other youth and it was amazing to see that God was able to give courage for this to happen.