Book Review: The Shack - William Young

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“Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly, and if left unresolved you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place.”

Unlike any other Christian fiction, The Shack seriously challenges the traditional imagery I had had of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in a way which left me feeling surprised, amazed and refreshed. The story centres round a father, Mackenzie Allen Phillips (or Mack to his wife and close friends) and his encounter with God during one weekend in a Shack in Wikowsky, Oregon. God gives Mack the strength to overcome The Great Sadness, and shows Mack of His love allowing Mack’s pain and guilt to no longer haunt him.

Incredibly well written, The Shack tests the true nature of humans – can we really learn to forgive others, even in the light of a terrible tragedy? The story puts an eternal, heavenly perspective on Mack’s life and is altogether a wonderful fiction to read. It is able to encourage you to look past the world we live in today, and look forwards towards the moment we are able to be with our Creator and friend.

Overall, a definite must read for believers and non-believers alike!